Aug 29, 2022

The worst part about having a messy, cluttered home (and life) is not the clutter. It's the shame you feel about it.


You scroll through instagram looking for easy solutions to your overfilled, under-organized house and then panic order 3 more cute baskets to keep the never ending piles of paper work at bay.


But the problem with those three cute baskets is that storage containers is not actually your problem. 


The problem with the clutter is not YOU or your inability to be a proper adult or a good housekeeper.


The problem with the clutter is your brain. And it's the same part of your brain that creates mental clutter and overwhelm too.




The solution is easy.


And there are two parts to it.


I'll teach you the concepts today!


Once you master these two steps you will not RECOGNIZE yourself. Or your home for that matter.


And all that mental anguish and energy that you are currently spending rearranging clutter on the Titanic will be transformed into pure GOLD.


You will stop the cycle that is keeping you stuck and create a home and life that brings you so much JOY and PEACE and SPACE. And it will be so much easier than you think.


You'll save money (because those storage containers get expensive!) and you'll save your sanity because I promise you, this is causing way more mental stress for you than it needs to and life is hard enough.


Your mind and emotions are powerful. They fuel EVERY action you take or don't take and right now you have some VERY negative thoughts and some very unhelpful emotions running the show.


If you thought getting your life in order was impossible or would take a year to accomplish, you're wrong.


To get more inspiration and help for your journey, join us in LIFE MENTORING SCHOOL where we show you how to apply all the concepts we teach on the podcast!