In the last decade, I've healed my body and lost 30 pounds, healed my marriage, prioritized my family, walked alongside a heartbroken little boy in his trauma, written a book, built a multiple 6 figure network marketing business then a 7 figure coaching business.   

Here's my secret.

I stopped living from my past. I stopped holding myself back and playing small.  I started dreaming again and setting goals for myself. I stopped procrastinating things that mattered to me. I stopped worrying about what everyone else would think. I stopped using food and drink and shopping and social media to give me temporary relief from the soul crushing weight of a life not fully vibrant and free.

And? I stopped blaming everyone else.

In short, I stopped all the sneaky ways I was sabotaging my own life, my deepest desires, my God given mission. 

I found the truest, sweetest freedom and you can too.

There is so much potential inside of you that needs to be expressed and lived out.

You are an extraordinary woman, made by your Creator for an extraordinary life--

But if you're where I was, most days you feel stuck, dissatisfied, disappointed----and to cope with the deep ache you feel to live a bigger, fuller life, you indulge in habits that exhaust you and keep you running on the same tired treadmill.

This cycle is called self-sabotage and I'm about to help you end it for good.

Let me introduce you to FREEDOM WEEK---a 3 day live online event to transform your self-sabotage into purpose, passion, and FREEDOM!

You are capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for. You have extraordinary gifts and hard earned wisdom.

We want to help you make the impact on the world you were created to make.

When you join FREEDOM WEEK, you'll see, with fresh eyes, how you are creating this self-sabotage cycle and how to get out of your own way for good.

You will WAKE UP to the extraordinary gifts you've been given and you'll get the tools and skills you need to impact generations with those gifts.

It's time to refocus your energy, get back on track, and MAKE THE IMPACT you were created to make.

In these 3 days together, we'll show you the 5 patterns of self-sabotage and how they are holding you back. Then we'll teach you the ONE LIFE CHANGING tool that will free you from the harsh inner critic that is keeping you stuck. You'll see how one sneaky emotion keeps fueling this cycle and how to unbind yourself from it. THEN, you'll see the FREEDOM and purpose and joy that await you on the other side.

Click here to join. 

To celebrate the 3 year anniversary of my coaching program, all of this incredible insight and value can be yours for the price of a coffee.

Treat yourself to something that truly matters.

You'll be thanking yourself for years to come.